In this application “Das Islami Aqeeday | دس اسلامی عقیدے” you can read Kitabul Aqaid in Urdu (کتاب العقائد). If you are looking Aqaid o Masail Book in Urdu, Aqaid e Ahle Sunnat Book in Urdu (عقائد اہل سنت و جماعت), and want to learn aqaid ahle sunnat wal jamaat in Urdu (عقائد اہلسنت والجماعت), so it is for you. In this beautiful app also include Eteqadul Ahbaab fil Jameele wal Mustafa wal Aale wal Ashaab in Urdu اعتقاد الاحباب فی الجمیل والمصطفیٰ والاٰل والاصحاب writen by Ala Hazart Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Brelvi with many useful features.Authentic Resources:Authentic resources of this app contents are the Holy Quran, Hadees books like Sahih Bukhari Sharif, Sahih Muslim, Tirmizi, Abu Dawud, Ibne Majah and other Islamic books like Bahaare Shariyat, Fatawa Rizwiya, Durre mukhtar, Raddul Mohtar and many authentic Fiqah books. Features:• Simple clean and user interface • Easy to use• Divided in many parts for best user experience• Easy to use• High Quality Images• Colorful TextsDisclaimer:Deenic Apps not actual writer or publisher of this Das Islami Aqeeday dawateislami Book. Deenic Apps just use Book images in this app for those users who like to read books as a mobile application. All credits go to Maktabatul Ilmiya of Dawate Islami. If you have any doubt, please contact us by given Email.Deenic AppsEmail :
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